More About: Organic Sesame Oil

As a producer and supplier we think it’s important to share information about the products in our range.

In “More About: Organic Sesame Oil” we will share information about the organic sesame oil of Spack.

Spack is supplier of the organic sesame oil and has the following types in its range:
– Organic sesame oil, cold pressed
– Organic sesame oil, roasted

In the article below we will tell you what the differences are between the 2 types of sesame oil. Information will be shared with you about the uses and the origin of the organic sesame oil. We will also tell you in what types of packaging the organic sesame oil is available.


The sesame oil is made from the seeds of the sesame plant, which is called the sesame seeds. The sesame plant grows in hot, dry climates and grows well in subtropical areas around the whole world, especially in Afrika, South-America and Central-America. Spack purchases the sesame seeds from their supplier, the seeds are pressed at a different location.

The organic sesame seeds are grown by organic farmers in Uganda. The supplier of Spack is part of a big project in Northern-Uganda, the project in Northern-Uganda aims on improving livelihoods of the local farmers.

The sesame seeds are pressed in Nïederkruchten, in Germany. The seeds are pressed at a low temperature, this ensures that the oil retains its flavor and nutrients.

Spack also supplies organic roasted sesame oil, the roasted variety is made from 100% roasted sesame seeds. It is red/ brown of color and has a more nutty taste than the cold pressed sesame oil. The organic roasted sesame oil of Spack is from Mexico.



Sesame oil is a very popular ingredient in Asian recipies. It is mainly used to flavor a dish and is therefore often added last to the dish. The nutty taste is seen as a great addition to (cold) salads, sauces and marinades.

The roasted sesame oil has a more nutty taste than the cold pressed sesame oil, and is also very popular in Asian recipes.


Sesame oil has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for healing massages. Ayurveda massage is an Indian massage method where warm herbal oils and essential oils are used.

Did you know that sesame oil is also used as a massage oil? It is used in India and in Ayurveda massages. 


Sesame oil is used in various skin products. It is marketed as an emollient that helps to hydrate, soften and smooth the skin.


There are also various hair products on the market that contain sesame oil.

Different types of sesame oil

Spack can offer you different types of organic sesame oil. At the moment, you can find the following organic sesame oil in our product range:

Organic Sesame Oil, Cold Pressed

The cold pressed sesame oil is light in color and has a slightly nutty taste. Organic cold pressed sesame oil is popular in the kitchen, but can also be used for other applications.

Organic Sesame Oil, Roasted

The roasted sesame oil is darker in color and the taste is a bit more nutty than the cold pressed sesame oil. The roasted sesame oil is also widely used for food applications, the toasted sesame oil is often applied to finished dishes or over low to medium heat.


The varieties of the organic sesame oil can be packed in different kind of packaging. The sesame oil is available in the glass bottles of Spack, varieted from 250ml to 1000ml.  The organic sesame oil is also available in large packaging, up to 1000 liter containers. Are you interested? Please check our packaging page to see what packaging we have in our range.

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