Spack B.V. / Spack Trading B.V. Coronavirus statement
Nieuwe Tonge, 19.03.2020
Dear customer,
Corona or COVID-19 virus has been all over the news and it affects us all. Spack cares for the health and well-being of its employees, customers and suppliers. Following the guidelines from our national government we have taken necessary precautions to avoid spreading of the virus and still be able to service our customers.
- Employees will work from home where possible
- Business trips and audits are cancelled
- Restrictions are in place for visits to Spack
We still produce the orders for our customers. Many questions have reached us about the safety of our products and we can say that is always our top priority. According to the European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) plant based food has not been identified as a likely source or route of the transmission of the virus. This risk of spreading through packaging is also extremely low.
A point of concern however are the supply chains. Every government has implemented their own measurements to avoid the spreading of the COVID-19 virus. What impact this has on the supply chains of Spack remains still unclear at this moment but delays will be expected. We are in close contact with our suppliers to remain up to date on daily developments.
We will keep our customers informed on all developments . If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
O. Spaargaren
Managing Director